Sunday, October 30, 2011

How To Run Faster?

If your primarily doing sprints, do simple workouts that make your leg muscles stronger, such as high knees, fast jump roping (not like preschool games) and hollow bodies(lay on your back on the ground, arms at your sides, and lift your legs 6in from the ground. No higher or lower.)
Also, do some runs, and 400m sprints to get your endurance up.
Then you want to learn to make your feet quicker with tecniques like karyokies. 
Just some simple reminders: pump your arms! Dont be afraid to use your arms. Keep them close to your body and dont put them straight at your sides like your a toy soldier. About a right angle with your elbow, mabye a little smaller. dont make a fist either. put ur hand like ur about to karatee chop someone or like u are trying to hold a pringle without breaking it.
Also, stay on your toes. dont go into a distance, heel-toe form. 
Make sure u stay on your toes. 
Now, dont hunch, and stand tall. Keep your head level,you dont want to keep your head too high, it will slow u down. You dont want to keep your head down, you will stumble and fall.
Keep you head level like your looking at the thing your sprinting at. If needed, pick up ur head very slightly.(just how some runners run.) 
(Reference: )

For more info, check out this other blog:

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