Thursday, December 22, 2011


'TILL C H R I S T M A S ! ! 

I know this is not sport related but um...

Im so excited :), but um like, there's no SNOW AND STUFF.. like what is this. Its been raining for the past few days ugh.. Oh well, Christmas is Christmas.

so yeah, that's all I wanted to say, peace out!
I hope everyone have a good Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Perfect Packers"


Guess what? Packers lost.... their perfect season is over. damn. Oh well, theyre still one of the best team in the NFL so ha. (: kbye.

Here's the highlights of the game!
Click the link to watch!


I haven't been on this for so long because i've been busy with  school, so sorry about that guys!

Watch this clip for rare moments in sports!

Thursday, December 1, 2011



Cant wait to get home and watch the games today!! Who's excited? I know y'all are ;) haha, kbye.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


i am currently watching the Bills and Cowboys game, and cowboys are doing good! their defense is unstoppable!

visit this site for news report, scores and more!

Monday, November 7, 2011


Hey guys, view these blogs if you like yellow, basketball, some funny stories, or if you want your opinions heard. Thanks.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Hard Work BEATS Talent.

"To bring one's self to a frame of mind and to the proper energy to accomplish things that require plain hard work continuously is the one big battle that everyone has. When this battle is won for all time, then everything is easy."

Check this guy out!! AMAZING

The extraordinary story of Penn State wrestler Rohan Murphy, whose severe disability never interfered with his passion for sports.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

How to become an Athlete?

The first rule of thumb to know about how to become an athlete is to know that it takes a tremendous amount of work and dedication to become an athlete. If you are not willing to learn the skills needed to become and athlete, which will require a lot of physical and mental effort, becoming an athlete isn’t the right goal for you. You can still set a goal to becoming more fit and increasing your health, but the goal to become an athlete should be left to those who are willing to work for it.

For more info, click this link:

This is AMAZING.

Can Larry Fitzgerald catch passes upside down? Sports Science works to find out.

Video on How To Run Faster !

How To Run Faster?

If your primarily doing sprints, do simple workouts that make your leg muscles stronger, such as high knees, fast jump roping (not like preschool games) and hollow bodies(lay on your back on the ground, arms at your sides, and lift your legs 6in from the ground. No higher or lower.)
Also, do some runs, and 400m sprints to get your endurance up.
Then you want to learn to make your feet quicker with tecniques like karyokies. 
Just some simple reminders: pump your arms! Dont be afraid to use your arms. Keep them close to your body and dont put them straight at your sides like your a toy soldier. About a right angle with your elbow, mabye a little smaller. dont make a fist either. put ur hand like ur about to karatee chop someone or like u are trying to hold a pringle without breaking it.
Also, stay on your toes. dont go into a distance, heel-toe form. 
Make sure u stay on your toes. 
Now, dont hunch, and stand tall. Keep your head level,you dont want to keep your head too high, it will slow u down. You dont want to keep your head down, you will stumble and fall.
Keep you head level like your looking at the thing your sprinting at. If needed, pick up ur head very slightly.(just how some runners run.) 
(Reference: )

For more info, check out this other blog:

How To Spin Move?

You always want to keep the ball away from defenders, so if you're coming around the outside you should keep the ball in your outside arm. This makes it more difficult for defenders to get to the ball, and it allows you to use your inside arm to fend off tacklers. When you spin, remember to keep the ball tight to your body don't let it extend outward. 

A key part of a successful spin move is staying balanced. You don't want to approach the defender with so much momentum that you crash right into him that only makes his job easier. As you approach the tackler, come to balance with your body in control and your feet under you. That'll put you in much better position to set up your spin move. 

One of the most important elements of the spin move happens before you even spin. The shake you give the defender is what throws him off balance and allows the spin to be effective. Just before the point of contact, shake (or juke) in one direction and get the tackler to turn his hips. Then plant your foot and spin back the other way, past your man. 

Once you've executed the spin, it's time to turn on the jets. Square you body downfield again and accelerate as fast as you can. This will prevent the original defender from reaching back and making an ankle tackle, and it will reestablish your forward momentum to take on the next defender, if there is one. If not, have a nice trip to the end zone.

Here's a Video on How to Spin Move:

Here are some more pictures of my fave team

Some pictures of my favorite teams in the NFL!

 (i dont care if the Eagles are not doing okay this season)


Guys, be sure to watch football today!!! I'm so excited!! There's gonna be 13 games, from 1 p.m to 8:30 p.m!!

Click this link for more info:

NFL News!

The Pittsburgh Steelers will be playing without Hines Ward (wide receiver) when they face the New England Patriots on today. Emmanuel Sanders will take Ward's place in the lineup. Pittsburgh will also be without linebacker James Farrior, who had been listed as questionable but will be sidelined by a calf injury. 

For More NFL News, Click this link:

What is Sports? What are some examples of sports?

Sports are an activities involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others. Here are some examples of different kinds of sports

  • Softball
  •  baseball
  •  soccer
  •  basketball
  •  football
  •  tennis
  •  ping pong 
  • Caster boarding 
  • Free boarding
  •  Long boarding
  •  Street boarding
  • Sky surfing 
  • Street luge 
  • Snowboarding 
  • Mountain boarding,
  • Sand boarding 
  •  Surfing 
  • skateboarding
  •  gymnastics
  •  dodgeball

Click this link for more examples of sports: http:/